Collection: Grant Writing


DLew Philanthropy provides grant writing for nonprofits that have a 501c3 status or have a fiscal sponsor. He is currently offering grant writing for local government, foundations (corporate, community & family foundations) grants ONLY. 

Package 1 (These are for grants already identified) (3-month contract with monthly deliverables):

  • 3 grant proposal narratives
  • 3 LOIs

**Price - $1,500 per month** (rate can be paid in bi-weekly installments or at the end of the month)

***Client is responsible for providing budget information, submission of grant and all grant management (contracts, reporting, etc.)

Package 2 (For grants already identified) (6-month contract with monthly deliverables):

  • 5 grant proposal narratives
  • 5 LOIs

**Price - $2,000 per month**  (rate can be paid in bi-weekly installments or at the end of the month)

***Client is responsible for providing budget information, submission of grant and all grant management (contracts, reporting, etc.)

Package 3 (For grants already identified) (1-year contract with monthly deliverables):

  • 5 grant proposal narratives
  • 5 LOIs
  • Submission of grant and all grant management (contracts, reporting, etc.)

**Price - $3,000 per month** (rate can be paid in bi-weekly installments or at the end of the month)

***Client is responsible for providing budget information. 

For more information, contact: or schedule a FREE discovery call.